Philippines – PN Singapore Board visits PN Philippines

PN Philippines staff pose with Singapore Board members, Alan Ong (seated left) and Bruno Schricke (seated right). They were also joined by PN Asia’s External Relations and Development Manager, Moritz Laqua (seated centre), and a visitor from Girl Rising, Jerome Bactol (back)
Two members of the Passerelles numériques Singapore Board, Alan Ong and Bruno Schricke, visited PN Philippines last October 27-30 to get a deeper understanding and knowledge of PN.
All the way from Singapore, Alan and Bruno arrived in Cebu, Philippines on October 27. This was the first time that Alan and Bruno had visited PNP. They were joined by PN Asia’s External Relations Development Manager, Moritz Laqua, and welcomed by PNP’s General Manager, Marice Jade Chua.
For three days, Alan and Bruno were able to meet the students and staff of PN Philippines and had an opportunity to tour around PNP and the University of San Carlos (USC).Alan Ong is the Chief Executive of an international pharmaceutical company while Bruno Schricke currently sits on the boards of Singapore-based international firms.
Their first appointment was a visit to PNP Centres 1 and 2. While there, they observed and interacted with students from Class 2021 and Class 2022 during the students’ developmental activity.
On their second day, they were able to meet the entire PN Philippines staff. Once they had become acquainted with the PN program and the staff, together with PN Philippines’s IT & Training Manager, Rene Abdallah, and Academic Officer, Marie Maureen Salvaleon, Alan and Bruno had a tour of the University of San Carlos where they also visited some classes.
PNS Board Members, Bruno Schricke (centre left) and Alan Ong (centre right) pose in front of the entrance to the University of San Carlos, together with IT & Training Manager, Rene Abdallah (left), and Academic Officer, Marie Maureen Salvaleon (right)
Alan and Bruno visit a class in USC

On the same day as that of their visit, Girl Rising, an international organization that empowers girls around the world, conducted a training class for our educators and students. Alan and Bruno also had an opportunity to observe and receive insights from the training.
Alan and Bruno (far left) join the Girl Rising training conducted by Jerome Bactol (far right)
They also visited our longtime partner company, Accenture, where they were welcomed by Associate Director for Accenture Philippines and Board Trustee for PNP, Noreena Lagmay, and John Mark Ycoy of Accenture Corporate Citizenship. They also met with Divine Grace Golingay, the Human Resources Manager of iComm International, a long-term partner of our internship program.

(From left to right) PNP General Manager Marice Jade Chua, Accenture Associate Director Noreena Lagmay, John Mark Ycoy, Bruno Schricke, Alan Ong, and Moritz Laqua during a meeting at Accenture Philippines
Alan shared his impressions of his visit to PN Philippines. “I’ve always wanted to work with disadvantaged young people. I find that the mission is meaningful because of its holistic approach. I felt encouraged to become part of the team. This visit has deepened my connection with PN. It’s one thing when you read about it. When you’re finally here, it’s different when you meet the beneficiaries and the staff. I can see the difference it makes to the young people in terms of what it does for them and what it can do for their families. What I also like about PN is that people here have a lot of heart.”
On their third day, accompanied by PNP Selection Manager Irish Bulan, and Educator Aiza Aniga, Alan and Bruno also visited and met the family of one of our beneficiaries. They were able to witness the typical life of a Filipino family of which Alan had shared that it was a humbling experience for them both.
After this, members of the Board were able to have a personal encounter with the students of Class 2022, where they met and heard each of the student’s stories. It was an emotional moment for both Alan and Bruno as they listened intently to extraordinary stories of resilience and the dreams of the students.
When asked about his personal aspirations and outlook for PN, Bruno emphasized the need to sustain the mission. “The mission is great. I don’t want to change anything. It’s more of how we can ensure the sustainability of PN as an organization globally and in each country. How we can ensure that key talents are motivated to continue with the mission. We’re facing the future, so we have to make choices to further enhance and sustain our mission.”
The entire visit was indeed a worthwhile experience for both Alan and Bruno.