
Vietnam – Class 2019 Graduation Ceremony

May 30 2024

Graduates of PN Vietnam’s 2019 Class

On October 12th, the first class of PN Vietnam’s new three-year training program graduated. The students celebrated one of the most important turning points of their lives – the Graduation Ceremony!

Starting in September 2016, 40 students began their PN journey with the Integration Week to become part of the PN Family. Since then, during three years of hard work, they participated in many activities to fully develop their overall potential, both mental and physical, in as many domains as possible: visiting IT companies, taking part in projects and workshops, and meeting up with various volunteers, not only in Danang but also from all over the world. They were also provided with space and an opportunity to develop their entrepreneurship skills (from pitching to real IT business projects). They participated in two internships during their second and third academic years and received positive feedback from the companies. Most of them were even offered confirmed positions in the companies before officially graduating.

Hard work pays off.

On a beautiful sunny Saturday morning, they could finally come up to the stage to receive their precious certificate amidst hearty and rousing applause.

The ceremony kicked off with stunning performances by PN Vietnam’s students: amazing traditional dances, songs and even a role-playing game. Then, the representatives of the University of Technology and Education – University of Danang and of PN Vietnam shared thoughtful comments with the graduates, showing their appreciation for the students’ efforts in overcoming all the difficulties to complete the program and become a qualified workforce.

PN Vietnam’s students also took this opportunity to give beautiful flowers to academics and partner companies, volunteers and everyone in the public, to thank them for their continuous collaboration and support for PN Vietnam.

The ceremony came to its most touching moment when the new graduates presented their hand-writing letters to their beloved families. Below are a couple of examples of their deeply-felt words that moved family members to tears and even other participants:

PNV19 students took part in a great number of activities to unlock their overall potential.
Confident and happy smiles of graduates on their Big Day

NGUYEN Thi Hong Dao to her grandmother

Time keeps marching swiftly forward to the tick of the clock, I’ve grown, become more mature and stronger but you’ve also become older and weaker. Now, you don’t need to take care of me like before, but I myself, I will be the one who looks after you and supports you in your old age.”

NGO Thi Thanh Duyen to her mother

Thank you for your unfailing support in all the decisions I’ve made since the very beginning. Although we couldn’t know how things would end up, you’ve given me the strong motivation to pursue my dream. Thank you for always standing there waiting for me. Without you, I would not be here today.


Then came the most exciting and anticipated part of the event: the Diploma hand-over! Along with swinging music, the students one by one came to the stage with genuine happiness, satisfaction and pride. The three Chancellors were Mr HOANG Dung – Sub Rector of the University of Technology and Education; Ms Maud LHUILLIER – Asia Director of Passerelles numériques; and Mr Arthur AUBREE – Training Manager of Passerelles numériques Vietnam. They could not hide their brightest and proud smiles when handing the diploma to the dear graduates.

Finally, the ceremony ended with a special performance by the fresh graduates as a gift to everyone who supported them during those three memorable years.

The Graduation Ceremony marked a significant milestone in the lives of the students of Class 2019. As they raised their graduation hats, the day opened the gate to a new life, independent and full of opportunities.

May the graduates keep adding kindness and beauty to the world and continue to develop their dreams and talents!

Warmest congratulations to you, PNV19 students!


A meaningful journey doesn’t rely on the beautiful images people usually see, it does rely on the fact that we have lived with it and it becomes our motivation every day. The PN Vietnam team and I hope to see you come back with new roles and join us to continue building a new future for young people and with a new impact on the community.

Ms VO Hoang Thuy Trang
General Manager, Passerelles numériques Vietnam