A rock remains unmoved without the pull of gravity, just as individuals cannot progress without inner drive. External forces may encourage and bolster you, yet without resolve and aspiration, advancement remains limited. True motivation stems from within, fueled by unwavering determination and passion. It is this inner strength that empowers you to surmount any challenges on your path to realizing your aspirations. Drawing from this wellspring of resilience, Bui Long Nghia, a former PNV student, has transformed his life from humble beginnings to remarkable achievements. Diligently striving to be a pillar of strength and security for his loved ones, he exemplifies the power of inner fortitude.

Progressive individuals always discover opportunities in every challenge
Bui Long Nghia emerged from humble beginnings in Binh Dinh, as part of the first cohort of Binh Dinh students at PNV. Despite facing adversity with the early loss of both parents, Nghia’s unwavering optimism shines through, nurtured by the love and support of his siblings. Striving diligently in academics, he envisions a future brimming with abundance and devoid of scarcity for himself and his loved ones.
Nghia once nurtured the dream of becoming a math teacher, but challenging circumstances and economic conditions hindered his pursuit of his passion. Undeterred, Nghia remains optimistic and wholeheartedly trusts in the transformative power of education. Despite not being able to teach, he steadfastly holds onto his thirst for knowledge, continuing to cultivate his love for math. The IT scholarship from PNV will serve as a chance to bring both of these aspirations to fruition, thus unlocking a new pathway in his quest to achieve his dream.

With determination, success can be found in any path you choose
Nghia’s journey began much like that of many other PNV students: struggling to understand unfamiliar subjects and wrestling with himself in every class to grasp even the most fundamental IT concepts. Yet, Nghia never wavered or thought of giving up. He understood that greatness isn’t instant for everyone. He was prepared to study two or three times harder than her peers to inch closer to his aspirations. This quiet yet unwavering dedication has been refined and nurtured daily, shaping a Bui Long Nghia who is unfamiliar with quitting, and consistently embraces an upbeat mindset and optimistic approach when confronted with life’s trials and tribulations. Consequently, Nghia radiates a poised and energetic presence and a persistent voice that distinctly mirrors his character.
Before becoming students, we ordinary people focus on selecting a major and a university. Upon graduation, our worries changes to job opportunities. Similar to many young individuals, Nghia faced career hurdles after graduating. Despite the obstacles, his positivity and forward-thinking attitude supported him in overcoming them, progressing towards a thriving life for himself and his loved ones. For Nghia, unwavering determination paves the way for achievement in every pursuit.
Only through effort and perseverance can your dreams be achieved
Throughout the study period, for Nghia, PNV served as a bridge, a place that created opportunities, provided support, and accompanied students on their journey to acquire knowledge. While PNV presents possibilities, seizing those chances rests solely on the students. From that instant on, Nghia grasped that the sole holder of the future’s key was himself and no one else. To be self-reliant and avoid excessive reliance is crucial for Nghia to feel entirely assured and adaptable to all work and life challenges.
Success always finds its way to those who persevere. From a young boy with a humble beginning, Nghia now enjoys a loving family and a secure job as a Software Testing Specialist at a tech company focused on creating websites and apps – SiliconPrime Labs.
The journey persists in fueling motivation and radiating value to numerous other lives
Nghia acknowledges the significance of his personal endeavors, yet he understands that the path to his aspirations would be far more challenging without the invaluable support and guidance from PNV. He cherishes the wisdom instilled by PNV, paving the way for numerous career prospects. Nghia values the unique bond shared among PNV teachers, students, and peers. Even post-graduation, he perceives a profound sense of camaraderie among “PNV-ers” uniting them despite physical distances.
Fully grasping PNV’s tradition of “Giving Forward”, Nghia wholeheartedly returned to school to support upcoming student generations. To Nghia, “Giving Forward” doesn’t always require grand gestures; at times, it’s the small acts like sharing experiences, offering encouragement, and empowering students to pursue their aspirations. Beyond that, Nghia and PNV alumni founded the “Nụ cười” Charity Association, consistently organizing volunteer initiatives for children in remote highland areas, inspiring them to persist in their education journey and striving to create chances for numerous underprivileged individuals to transform their destinies.

Join Us to Empower Vietnamese Youth
From its inception to the present moment, PNV has positively impacted numerous young individuals facing challenges, including Bui Long Nghia. We provide support and guidance, helping them pursue their aspirations for a brighter future. It is our firm conviction that compassion and support have the power to shape a more promising tomorrow for the youth of Vietnam. Therefore, let us join hands in fulfilling PNV’s noble mission by reaching out to Passerelles Numériques Vietnam at